ELFA Assistans

ELFA Assistans has been providing personal assistance since year 2007, and we are proud to say that we are good at what we do. We have studied our branch extensively, update our knowledge regularly, and have consciously chosen to focus specially on personal assistance.

Contact us 

Phone: 08-700 20 60

E-mail: info@elfa-assistans.se

Imagine a society where everyone is entitled to a life based on their own requirements, ambitions and wishes. A society where everyone can feel happy and affirmed, where everyone feels adequate and satisfied, where everyone is acknowledged and appreciated because they are who they are. That is our ambition, and that is the society we are struggling to achieve by providing personal assistance with personality, skills and respect for individuals and Swedish legislation alike. ELFA is an abbreviation of what we are trying to achieve with our commitment to assistance provision – in Swedish Ett Liv För Alla, or A Life For All. And we really mean that. We hope everyone who comes into contact with us finds that we add value for them in some way, which we work together to create a relationship built on reciprocity, responsibility and trust.

Our customers and staff recommend us to friends and relatives who need an assistance provider or employer, and we feel this is the ultimate proof that our work and commitment are paying off. Get in touch if you would like more information about personal assistance.

You have rights and responsibilities

As a customer at ELFA Assistans you have many rights and responsibilities. Among other things, you are entitled to a contact person at the office who will also be your assistants’ line manager. But our aim is for you to receive the help you need regardless of who you speak to. You are entitled to your assistance benefit in the sense that the amount your assistance hours are worth must only be used for your personal assistance. And if you´d like, you can see how your assistance benefit has been spent on, for each settlement period. You are entitled to take part in the planning of your assistance – how, where and when it is to be provided, and by whom. After all, only you know what you want to do with your life.

You are also entitled to:

-Help with applications for personal assistance

-Give support in the meetings with the Social Insurance Office or municipality on issues relating to a personal assistance.

-Help with interpreting decisions and communications and appealing against any refusals.

-Control over your assistance hours.

-Security, full staffing levels and respect for the person you are

-We will regard your house as a your home in the first instance. But when we employ one or more personal assistants for you, your house will also be a workplace and therefore we will sometimes need to discuss this in a slightly different way. You will need to take part in the creation and implementation of a plan of how your personal assistance shall be arranged and evaluated. We will also require you to notify us if you think we are doing anything wrong, if the circumstances relating to your assistance change, or if you would like to change anything about the arrangement. We cannot promise to always be able to follow your requests to the letter, but we promise to listen to what you say.

In return, there are also a number of obligations which you need to be aware of so that you can enjoy being our customer. For example, we will require you to attempt, like us, to comply with applicable legislation and collective agreements. We will regard your house as a your home in the first instance. But when we employ one or more personal assistants for you, your house will also be a workplace and therefore we will sometimes need to discuss this in a slightly different way. You will need to take part in the creation and implementation of a plan of how your personal assistance shall be arranged and evaluated. We will also require you to notify us if you think we are doing anything wrong, if the circumstances relating to your assistance change, or if you would like to change anything about the arrangement. We cannot promise to always be able to follow your requests to the letter, but we promise to listen to what you say.


Contact us for more information about personal assistance

ELFA Assistans have two offices, one in Solna and one in Örebro, but really we are wherever our customers are

Find out more about personal assistance on the Social Insurance Office website

In the current situation, ELFA Assistans have two offices, one in Solna and one in Örebro, but really we are wherever our customers are. With today’s communications, we are never far away and we strive to both customers and employees to perceive us as being present in their everyday lives, even though we do not always find ourselves in the same place.

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08-700 20 60